Christian Boylove Forum

Re: I cannot continue this way.

Submitted by Elfboy on July 6 2001 01:21:19
In reply to I cannot continue this way. submitted by The Continental on June 30 2001 13:26:41

"Do they realize how easy it is to hurt me?"

Probably not,,,,,,if you have always been the strong one,,,,,the person whom everyone else always leans on,,,,then no,,,,they probably don't know how fragile you are. They don't know when you hurt,,,,because you never show them your hurt,,,,,,you are the strong one,,,,,,you are the one that always supports others.

When you take on that role in life,,,,,,or that role is thrust on you,,,,,,,Then people automatically think you are stronger than they are,,,and that you have a power to support others,,and they never consider that you might need to be supported.

"Is it wrong to give and then expect to receive?"

Everyone expects to receive from others,,,,,,,it might be a simple "Thank You" or a pat on the back,,,,,,but everyone expects something in return from anything they do. When we say "Good Morning" to someone,,,,,we expect a "Good Morning" said back to us. God gives us everything in life including life itself,,,and,,most of all His love. Does God expect anything from us? Before you say no,,,,,,think,,,,,,He expects us to be obedient,,,,,and ,,,,loving. In my opinion,,,,,no it's not wrong to expect to receive at least acknowledgement from those who you help. Now,,,,if you don't get any praise from them,,,,,are you going to stop helping them? No,,,,,you are the kind of person,,,who will help those who need it,,,,,even if they completely ignore you. I for one admire that in you.

"I have no one that is interested in even starting to listen to what I feel."

That's where these boards come in. This is where you get your support from. It's here that you post,,,,,,,and receive your praise. It's here where you share your thoughts and fears,,,and hurts. We are here to listen,,,,,,,and listen,,,,,,and listen. We will tell you "Good job faithful servant" when you help a needy person out,,,that for whatever reason doesn't thank you themselves. We will encourage you to go on,,,,when you feel so tired and alone in your work. It is here,,,,you can share what you feel. We may or may not understand your feelings,,,,,,but we will listen to you.

"Are they selfish? Do they care?"

The people around you,,,,,,look up to you,,,,,as the strong one. They care,,,,,but they don't see you as in need. You are the one who is always providing for them,,,,not the other way around. It's not that they are selfish,,,,,,,they just can't see you as in need. It's sort of like a Pastor of a Church,,,,,,,,,,,the congregation,,,,,,,does not see their Pastor as a person,,,,,,with strengths and weaknesses as is common to all men. They don't see him as a person who would have problems,,,,,,fears,,,,,,hurts,,,,,,,,concerns. He's their Pastor. He's above being mortal! You and I know differently,,,,but the congregation doesn't see it. The people in your life,,,,that you care for,,,,help,,,,,,aid,,,,,and support,,,,,,,can't see you as a person who would need comforting yourself.

That's my start,,,,,,,,

We are hear listening,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Cast your cares our way,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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