Christian Boylove Forum

Who is this talking?

Submitted by A. on February 06 1999 at 20:42:38

The following is a personal communication from someone that many of you here should recognize. The little game I am playing is just that, but the letter has meaning for me in its own right.

"The letters sent to me by the person I call 'Onno' in my book That told me what a blessing active boy-love can be for the boy and for his adult lover have deeply imressed me, as they have been written by an old, wise man looking back to a period (twenty years) completely terminated long and long ago, but not in the least regretted. The age of this correspondednt is now 86 and he recently wrote to me: 'I know I'll soon be standing before the throne of God, but I am not in the least afraid of his judgement. I was in fer every sexual activity with men and put my body at the disposal of quite a lot of people, but in doing that I only followed tha nature that God created in me, finding my own happiness and satisfaction in making these men happy and satisfied.' This is not the 'oratio pro domo' of a voluptuary, for he stopped all sexual activity fifty years ago. They are the words of an old priest and philosopher, consulted by not a few people as their spiritual advisor. It is a pity that these letters are in Dutch and so not accessible to many people. I collected and ordered their contents in ten volumes."



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