Christian Boylove Forum

All is possible...

Submitted by Scott on February 08 1999 at 18:07:32
In reply to Faith and Taking Away Submitted by Ben on February 08 1999 at 14:42:58

when God is involved. I know that it sounds kind of cheesey, but it is. God may or may not have arranged your friends sickness, but he has definitely (I think) used it to show you how much you need Him. I believe that when we are at our lowest, most depressed, and worst situations, we have little else to run to. It is then that I have found the Lord to be most comforting- when there is nothing that I myself can do, or when all other "earthly" avenues have failed me.

I believe that is it His hope that we will eventually have nothing else to turn to but Himself, which is (in my humble and often corrected opinion) the true definition of faith- believing in the incredible even when we don't want to, or can see no proof.

May His peace fill you deep inside,


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