Christian Boylove Forum

Re: need your input: letter from a christian

Submitted by Ben on February 16 1999 at 07:27:35
In reply to need your input: letter from a christian Submitted by Chuck on February 14 1999 at 20:04:33

Chuck -
Like F.O.D., I think that the correspondent is at least open minded enough to dig into some of the impact of boylove, rather than just to kneejerk react by calling you a monster and a baby raper.

A couple of facts though are troubling me. Conclusions are drawn, such as that the pictures on the web are related to events which take place in chat rooms (utterly false), such as that one who plays with Star Wars figures cannot therefore be involved in sexual relationships (what is the connection? I know one or two adults who still value their Star Wars figures), and such as the the belief that "playing doctor" is the extent to which children's sexuality can reach simply because that is what we would hope is the limit.

Once again, people fail to see the core of boylove which, I believe, lies at an adult who loves and cares and nurtures just as much as any other adult. My feelings for boys are identical to a heterosexual feeling for women, and I do not believe that my love does NOT come from God when the next person's love does.

Where the difference lies is in the purpose that God has in mind for me. I do NOT believe that God intended me to become a lover to a 12 year old (even though I certainly fantasize about being one). I believe that God imbued me with a nearly impossible love, so that I would serve another purpose, so that I would stuggle to find that purpose, and so that, just as anyone who overcomes adversity does, I would become stronger and more devoted to my mission. Look at the heroic role that Christopher Reeve has played in giving hope to people who are paralyzed. I've always believed and are believing more so each day, as my faith in God grows stronger, that I am hear to fight against all of the odds and to do something special, something meaningful and something that only a BL could do.

Your poster is probably right, that purpose (at least for me) is not to make love to a boy. But it might be to touch a boy's life in some far greater way. Boylove is a cross that we bear...and if we choose to bear it graciously, we will....well who knows :)

You are not alone.


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