Christian Boylove Forum

Bacon and Last Night

Submitted by Ben on February 22 1999 at 08:03:33
In reply to Re: What are lovely family! Submitted by Lost- on February 21 1999 at 22:45:35

Hey Lost -
Two unrelated topics, btw.

I love bacon also and never did keep kosher, so this would never be an issue. Also, turkey bacon tastes just as good to me anyway and it is much better for you than pork bacon. I've seen some interesting writings that suggest that Christian's (or at least Christian Jews) should keep kosher. The writings dispute some of the classic Christian interpretations about why it is no longer necessary to do so. Kosher food is cleaner and animals are slaughtered in the most humane way possible, so there are lots of benefits.

I am really shocked at how my own faith turned around last night! All through the day, as I was struggling through Hebrews, I kept doubting my own progress towards faith because I was having difficulty connecting with the bible as being The Word. So, after we logged off, I sat in bed and read Psalm 25 and then reread the part in Hebrews about faith. I also read in Power For Living (this is a great book for anyone in my shoes, btw, and it is free). I ended up reading for almost an hour and drew yet another step closer to believing. In many ways, I do already believe, but I am not ready to take that "leap" yet of faith.

Thanks for your continued support and friendship.

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