Christian Boylove Forum

I'll take a stab at this one

Submitted by Ben on February 22 1999 at 19:00:46
In reply to And here's another one... Submitted by F.O.D. on February 22 1999 at 15:48:20

Here's another way to interpret that. The above conclusion presumes that a homosexual relationship is the opposite of, or contrary to a heterosexual one. I would argue that the existence of love between two men, a man and a boy or any other two people is not "rearranging the order", but simply not involved in the fulfillment of that order. People love their children, theoretically as much as their spouse, and this does not, in any way, discount the importance of the love for the spouse. Essentially, I argue the existence of the dichotomy.

You are not alone.


PS - Thank you guys for so much food for thought on this question!

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