Christian Boylove Forum

Prayer for a friend and a book recommendation

Submitted by Ben on March 04 1999 at 08:04:45

First, I want to thank d_ for his recommendation of "Evidence Which Demands a Verdict". Although I am a third of the way through it, I have to tell you that this book is an extraordinary accomplishment. It so thoroughly defines the accuracy and reliability of the bible, explores the true possibilities of God's existence and makes case for Jesus as the Messiah, that one has to have the intention of disbelieving, to controvert it's theories. Although it is a long book and written in a rather difficult outline form, it actually reads well and is an invaluable tool to anyone, paticularly in my situation (of still making a decision).

Moving on, I ask for your thoughts and prayers today:

A close friend, in fact the only real life BL friend that I have, lost his brother today to AIDS. His brother was 37. I'll also share the fact that, during this period of my own "re-evaluation" (I don't want to use the word "awakening") I think that this friend has been turned off a bit. Why would a BL want to get closer to God? It seems paradoxical. I know very well that it is not at all paradoxical, and I have no doubt that getting closer to God will do nothing but good for my own life. I hope very much that some day, if I stay on the path that I am on, that I can help him too, to find meaning in his life through a relationship with God (...or maybe even Jesus).

Today though, I want to pray for his brother and I want to pray that my friend find's peace and solace. I am thankful that his brother no longer suffers, but I also have lots of experience with losing people and I know too well how the pain can tear away at your heart.

Thanks for praying with me if you will and thank you God, for all of your blessings.

You are not alone.


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