Christian Boylove Forum

Free in God's goodness

Submitted by F.O.D. on March 28 1999 at 14:17:53
In reply to Bible Study Submitted by Bach on March 22 1999 at 09:35:55

Bach that is a great passage!
I've been trying all week to take the time to meditate over it to do it justice.

I sometimes see parallels here in some kinds of religion - Roman Catholicism (sorry TF!) with the way they forbid their ministers from marrying, Hare Krisna, who forbid people to eat meat, for instance.

I get another thought from it, with regards to the morality of sexuality (does anyone think I go on about this too much? hit me over the head if you do) Is it possible to find the freedom from these verses to accept homosexual attraction as a good thing given by God, to seek a same sex partner and to be giving thanks to God for that? If God created it good, and we can receive it with thanksgiving, then why should we be forbidden to marry in this way? Having this kind of thankfulness to God would do away with the idolatry connotations found in the explicit references to homosexuality. I note that it is the ones doing the forbidding, not the thanking, who are the ones described as having seared consciences.

Well, regardless, let us be thankful to God for all the good things he has in store for us to do (Eph 2:10)!


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