Christian Boylove Forum

Re: Thanks; didn't answer my Q. though

Submitted by Chadron on March 31 1999 at 23:08:47
In reply to Thanks; didn't answer my Q. though Submitted by d on March 31 1999 at 15:37:26

I don't know who Triple-Q is, ( nor do many people, perhaps), but neither do I know what you are talking about. What did he write in BC? I choose not to read BC because I greatly prefer, and need to approach my BL orientation through prayer, abstinence, and trusting in God's providence to deliver me from temptatation. I am so firmly in the morally celibate stage, I at times wonder if some people would even consider me BL. However, God knows my heart, and the desires which arise, so I don't need to debate a label with anyone. Could someone fill me in on what Triple-Q wrote?

Thank you. Chadron

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