Christian Boylove Forum

lame attempt to help

Submitted by d on April 06 1999 at 20:33:16
In reply to help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Submitted by figt on April 06 1999 at 20:09:53

Post on BoyChat, more people read it and no doubt some have been where you are now.

I don't know what advice to give you other than to keep praying. This is way out of my area of experience or expertise. Here's a few stabs in the dark, hopefully, someone who has been through a similar experience will post a reply.

You may want to contact a civil lawyer (even if you have done nothing wrong, a lawyer can threaten to sue for defamation of character, which will shut many people up: if someone imsinuates you are child molester and you are not, that's lawsuit material). I'm guessing Jim Finn (, he posts here sometimes) or one of the other BC committee members could help find a lawyer.

You also need to make sure you know who your friends are and make a good guess as to how they will react when this becomes public. If you can have "an upstanding member of society" (or more than one) vouch that you are no danger to children, it will help a lot. Outing yourself to your priest may help.

Something that might help politically and might even help you personally:
Find a sympathetic therapist or counselor (NOT one who will try to change you, but one you can talk to about the side-effects of being who you are, such as the stress of being outed, and, should you have more of it than you can handle yourself, someone to help you deal with sexual temptation). If the public knows or thinks you are "under care" they may be a lot less concerned. Just a thought.

I'm assuming you've never done anything criminal in this way. If you have, consult a defense attorney - you may need one.

By the way, there are a few convicted sex offenders on BoyChat. Many of them live the "what if everyone knows" bit every day of their lives.

-d (david_tx on IRC)

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