Christian Boylove Forum

Not precisely...

Submitted by F.O.D. on April 09 1999 at 10:06:29
In reply to Is homosexuality the issue? Submitted by Heather on April 08 1999 at 14:18:18

Hey Heather, my favourite moral issue :)

I'm one of those that considers the homosexual part of the boylove relationship more of an issue than the intergenerational part.

But that doesn't mean I think a boylove sexual relationship would be OK if a general homosexual one were.

Rather, I place the rightful place of sex within the "committed long-term relationship" (a cliché, but how else do you you express it?) ie marriage or its equivalent.

Hence the question with respect to a loved boy (if same-gender sex is OK) is one of asking whether this boy is ready to commit himself to me for the rest of his life. The answer, in general, is no. (even heterosexual couples are typically advised to postpone thoughts of marriage till they are in their 20s)

Sad but true.


ps I have no idea how the AOC laws fit into this. According to Christian morality as I understand it, if one were to consistently legislate morality, then the AOC laws would have to be abolished altogether, and all sex outside of marriage (however defined) declared illegal. I do not understand the point of the AOC laws. I mean, when I turned 18, what was I supposed to think? "Hurray! Now I can go have sex with whomever I want whenever I want!" ???? Yeah, right.

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