Christian Boylove Forum

Re: A good question...

Submitted by Bach on April 12 1999 at 08:52:32
In reply to Re: A good question... Submitted by F.O.D. on April 12 1999 at 07:12:54

Secondly, a quick comment about sexuality. My view is that if God has heavy-handed opposition to my sexual feelings, then he has good reasons for that, even if I don't understand those reasons.

Sorry, F.O.D., but I just don't see this.

My God does not have "heavy-handed opposition" to sexual feelings (I know that I changed your text slightly) because He created them. And I don't think my feelings are any less valid than most "normal" people. In fact, when you go out to explore the different expressions of sexuality you see that hertosexual expressions can be just as "strange" as some of our views.

I do not believe the biblical passages normally cited constitute heavy-handed opposition. Please help me out here.

Peace of Christ,

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