Christian Boylove Forum

Re: goats/sheep; time coming

Submitted by John Guard on April 12 1999 at 20:39:44
In reply to goats/sheep; time coming Submitted by d on April 12 1999 at 18:36:45

Thanks D :) To reply to your astute reply, you are right. It isnt the job of the Christian to tell the goats from the sheep. However, it is also important to be able to tell one from another by their works...lest a little leaven contaminate the whole lump, so to speak. As I mentioned earlier, personal behavior is between the person and GOD but when it involves public behavior or behavior that affects other people, then others should be involved. Isnt that why Paul admonished the Corinthians for allowing one of their breathen to stray (note however how graciously they welcomed him back after he repented)?

With the "soon" part, as you well know, "soon" is a relative word. Paul, Peter and John used the word, relatively speaking of course. But your point is very much valid, for being honest with myself, I feel that Judgement is coming in this generation or the next. I may be wrong, or I may be right but it bears no consequence to how I behave. I will be ready for it be it comes tomorrow or a trillion years from now.

My two sheckels :)
john Guard

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