Christian Boylove Forum

Re: Catch-all ages

Submitted by Ben on April 15 1999 at 18:38:33
In reply to Catch-all ages Submitted by Heather on April 15 1999 at 16:54:14

On your first point, I did not express well what I meant. Women's roles are at least as complicated as men's are. What I meant to convey is that girls were often taught their womanly roles early on because their help was needed right away. Certainly, young boys were not as effective in hunting, fighting or earning money as their dads and so they really couldn't be effective fathers until they spent some time doing these things as teens. Sorry for my poor wording.

Could it be possible that the people who passed the AOC laws weren't ignoring this fact, but simply couldn't come up with a better solution?

I think I basically stated this when I said:

I'm not sure if our society has the ability to lower the AOC laws because of the complicated task of sorting through who is ready to be an adult and who is not.

Indeed it is better to have a catch all age then to not have one, even if some younger people are adversely affected. The argument that BLs have against this is a more complicated that I have listened to, but because I am celibate anyway hasn't ever affected me.

On the other hand, if people lived by the bible, then AOC laws would pretty much not be needed, IMO :)

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