Christian Boylove Forum

too difficult

Submitted by F.O.D. on April 17 1999 at 07:29:31
In reply to FOD and Ben, you two lucky guys... Submitted by scott on April 16 1999 at 22:57:41

It's hard being so far away from them.
I'm planning to have E visit in the summer, he wants to come alone (a coming-of-age indepenence thing I think, and to get away from his brother ;) ), and I can see how that could be a good thing for him. But it really wrenches my heart then when I think that Y will be left behind. I'm sure it'll be OK, and I think it'll be important for E to have time without Y, but sometimes I worry that it's making a mistake not inviting Y. I'm fearful of missing something with respect to him.

What I really want is for them to both live close by, so I could have a special vacation time with E, while having great daily and weekly times with Y as well. I don't think Y needs the "special" time alone so much, but rather he needs the long-term week-in, week-out friendship. (E needs both). But unfortunately that's beyond my possibilities.

Well, I'm hoping to have Y visit next year (probably together with E), but I can't promise that yet.

Soon we're getting them a computer. Should I invite them to CBF? hehe


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