Christian Boylove Forum

For tks, others turned off by churches

Submitted by d on April 17 1999 at 19:43:12

In most major US cities (and some smaller cities) there are mainstream-denomination congregations with very liberal views. In my own city, there is such a church which used to be (and technically may still be) Southern Babtist but no longer has Babtist on its signs, to avoid confusion. This church is very accepting of (for example) homosexual clergy and I think they've even "blessed" a few couples (maybe more than a few).

My denomination (Presbyterian (PCUSA)) has a group of congregations scattered around the country which call themselves "New Light" which is liberal on the non-celibate homosexual-clergy and related issues (most of the denomination is fairly conservative on this issue).

Many unitarian churches are accepting of almost all (legal) lifestyles.

In any case, just because you've been turned off by organized religion doesn't mean God doesn't have an organized religious congregation in mind just for you.

-dr (david_tx on IRC)

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