Christian Boylove Forum

Re: need advice from other Christians

Submitted by Ben on April 23 1999 at 19:48:25
In reply to need advice from other Christians Submitted by d on April 22 1999 at 22:42:24

d -
Take my reply completely with a grain of salt because I am really glad that you are here. You have helped me alot.

When you first came on I was very suspicious of you (as any BL usually is about a visitor to a BL forum who is admittedly not a BL). As time went on, I sensed that you were looking for more in your faith than you had found so far. You seemed to want to teach and to help others but lacked the confidence to do it elsewhere. Maybe you saw an internet forum of pedophiles pretty unthreatening because a) it is the internet and b) maybe you felt like we were the bottom of the barrel, so you could feel like you were someone to be looked up to? Maybe I'm misreading but that's what I read.

What I give you credit for is being completely non-judgemental and for really offering great advise. I think that you also need something from this forum. But as Bach so astutely observed, we really don't know the real d yet :)

You are not alone.


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