Christian Boylove Forum

Re: Finding a Denomination

Submitted by d on May 18 1999 at 14:03:18
In reply to Finding a Denomination Submitted by Newbie on May 18 1999 at 07:13:59

All major denominations nominally welcome any celibate person regardless if they like adults, kids, animals, or space aliens.

When it comes to non-celibate people, on the (adult) homosexuality issue, my denomination, the Presbyterian Church (USA) is all over the map, with individual congregations running from liberal to conservative. My own congregation is fairly middle-of-the-road, but includes members from throughout the spectrum. Other US Presbyterian denominations (Cumberland Pres. Ch., Pres. Church of America, Evangelical Pres. Church) tend to be more conservative than the PC(USA).

I expect you would find liberal-minded congregations in the major Methodists, Lutheran, and Episcopalian US denominations.

You will be hard-pressed to find a congregation that will completely accept you *and trust you around their kids* if you are out unless you've been there but not out for a while. This is unfortunately not a very Christian way to behaive, but understandable from a human-behavior point of view.

Ironically, the gay-hate web site (nohedoesnt.sothere) has a comparison of the various denominations and to what degree they tolerate gays. Some links on that page Christian Churches Publicly Welcoming Les/Bi/Gay People (1994, from the Australian Queer Resources Directory, lists churches in the USA) ( and Fag Churches (part of the GodHatesFags site)

I hope this helps.

-d (david_tx on IRC)

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