Christian Boylove Forum

in my humble opinion...

Submitted by scott on May 26 1999 at 20:56:28
In reply to Yes, more please Submitted by Mark on May 25 1999 at 22:06:33

like Chris, i also am an alcoholic and a boylover. unlike Chris, i am not recovered (yet...).

about your question, mark, my (very humble) opinion is that alcoholism is about your body needing a physical substance to feel right. boylove is about just that, love. it is the desire to love and hold and care for and touch and love another human being. now, i do not put molesters in the same category as us-they act out of other impulses (well, most do, i am sure some of them are boylovers...), whatever it is that causes them to rape another. i hold no distinction between them and rapists, or between them and people who beat their child. they act not out of love, but out of a desire to satiate themselves. in my opinion, that is the fundamental distinction.

(did all that rambling help at all???)

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