Christian Boylove Forum

I wave my magic wand

Submitted by F.O.D. on June 15 1999 at 12:05:16
In reply to so what do you do... Submitted by lawless on June 13 1999 at 02:15:29

Hello Lawless,

there's a Christian charismatic joke around that you might like:

Q. What did the pentecostal believer say when he found himself wound up in hell?
A. "In the name of Jesus, I believe I'm in heaven"...

There are some things God will not answer. I don't know why. Maybe he wants you to realise he accepts you as you are, without your having to be a "good and perfect Christian boy". Maybe he doesn't want to take away what you've asked him to. What is it exactly you asked him to do? Take away your love for teens? God's not going to take anyone's ability to love away. He'd much rather see you make something good out of that love.

Sorry if I can't give much of an answer to your complaint.
All the best,



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