Christian Boylove Forum

Re: A Bloody Father's Day Boy Moment

Submitted by Chris on June 21 1999 at 17:35:38
In reply to A Bloody Father's Day Boy Moment Submitted by A Blessed One on June 21 1999 at 00:31:58

Hi Blessed One,

I'll bet you were scared witless when you saw that poor kid covered with blood. Thank God you were there for him. Just like you are going to "be there" for the rest of his life. "Blessing" and "Blessed One" are great names for you two.

I'll never forget the time my YF got bit by his dog. He was bit hard in his face and the dog's teeth sunk into his upper jaw and his right eye. He was rushed to the hospital and his (histarical) mom called me and I rushed to the hospital. I spent the whole night with him after he got out of surgery. They had managed to sew him up without too much possible scarring, and they DID save his eye too but he almost lost his tear duct. Needless to say, that poor boy's face was a mess. But I was there, holding his precious hand when he woke up and when he saw me, his good eye teared up. He must have told me he loved me about a million times after that. I knew then just how much he ment to me and how much I loved him!

Your Brother in Christ,

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