Christian Boylove Forum

Boylovers and pedophiles

Submitted by Heather on June 23 1999 at 23:03:05
In reply to Re: Religious abuse Submitted by Rex Infinity on June 23 1999 at 18:56:16

I didn't even want to bring that up, but yes, I think that some boylovers should re-examine their assumptions about sexual recovery, just as I think some recovering offenders should re-examine their assumptions about boylove. That's my main reason for not wanting to provide an alternate home page. On the other hand, when people are hurting . . . You see my dilemma.

On "boylover" – I think the main problem with the term is that, like "pedophile," it contains certain connotations that may not apply to the person using the term. I can't tell you how many times since I started my research I've had the following conversation with outsiders:

Me: "I've been working with boylovers."

Outsider: "Oh, you mean those NAMBLA people."


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