Christian Boylove Forum

Re: A Catholic view of the Bible

Submitted by The Dream Dragon on June 29 1999 at 20:07:03
In reply to A Catholic view of the Bible Submitted by Bonzo on June 29 1999 at 08:12:55

My view comes from a Catholic book and a preface to a Catholic Bible I have. It is as follows:

The first [element of inspiration] is that God is actively present in a unique manner in the composition of the Biblical books...The second element is the freedom of the human authors in making use of their own talents and resources...

It goes on to say

...the Bible must be understood in the sense in which it was intended by God and by the biblical authors. And their purpose was not to write a history book in the modern Western sense of that term, but to set forth the history of God's salvation.

but then it continues...

The church produced the Scriptures; the Church recognized the extent of the Scriptures; the Church interprets the Scriptures. It is inside the community of faith that we hear the Word of God speaking to us.


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