Christian Boylove Forum

Re: Sad Experience

Submitted by Ben on July 01 1999 at 20:24:56
In reply to Sad Experience Submitted by Tedd on June 30 1999 at 18:28:32

Tedd -
What you experienced is called a 'token economy' and is a rather well known and accepted psychological system to control behavior. It is effective in controlling behavior in children, prevents them from acting out in ways that can become destructive to themselves and others, and CAN help them to form new habits.

The other system that accomplishes the same task is called parenting. Even the most difficult of children, when placed in a home (whether biological or adoptive) where both discipline and love are effectively administered, can turn around and become productive and happy members of society.

Unfortunately, the task of parenting has degraded so significantly over the past generation (and it self propagates to the next generation usually) that children are placed into loveless homes such as the one that you witnessed.

I realize that my opinion is harsh and accusatory. My church is so actively involved in parenting, adoption, and foster care, that I have a very close view of what a loving home can do to even the most difficult of children. It is sad that so few people know how to love children and even more sad that so few are willing to adopt children who so desperately need something more than behavior control.

You are not alone.



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