Christian Boylove Forum

Excuse me while I blush

Submitted by Heather on July 03 1999 at 22:28:28
In reply to And the time before that Submitted by Jimf3 on July 03 1999 at 20:58:11

I just got back from BC, where I was trying to convince someone there that I'm not a self-righteous prig. I'm glad that he didn't see my post to you.

I apologize; I'd forgotten about your posts to Pat. And while I worry a bit about the effect your language would have on people who don't know you, of course I shouldn't interfere with a conversation between you and a friend (and I did know that you knew Ben, so I should have known better).

"I probably WOULD have posted more if I hadn't honored the request to leave."

You know, a number of people from CBF went over to RDC to respond to your posts there about homosexuality, and you didn't respond to their replies – I think you either got distracted by other work (highly likely), or the whole controversy took a toll on you and you felt the need to get away from it for a while. So it's not that people here didn't want to talk about it – it's just that that particular thread was taking over the CBF index, and that was mainly my fault; I have a tendency to respond chat-style to interesting threads, as you'll have noticed by now.

I happen to know (as you may know also) that the person who was most disturbed by the thread is on vacation, and while I can't speak on behalf of the Webmasters, I doubt that the person who's supervising this board currently would have any problem with another thread on the subject if you wanted to talk about it again. I think that the way you started approaching the matter toward the end of last time – by explaining the effect that such teachings had on your own life – was exactly the sort of approach that's appropriate for CBF. It was the abstract discussions of homosexuality that seemed a little out of place; we do have those here occasionally, but most often people talk about Christian beliefs (good or bad) in terms of how those beliefs affect their lives.

So if you wanted to talk about Christian teachings on homosexuality here in terms of its effect on your life or the lives of people that you know, I should think that would fit in quite well with the CBF mission. After all, we're here for support, and trying to support people who have been hurt by Christianity is something that the CBF members have done more than once.


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