Christian Boylove Forum

Re: The Law and the Spirit

Submitted by Ben on July 05 1999 at 20:51:37
In reply to The Law and the Spirit Submitted by Heather on July 05 1999 at 16:55:19

Heather -
When Jesus said that he had come to create a new covenant, thereby leaving the old law behind, he was referring to the Jewish laws that had been followed (though not very well at many points) by God's chosen people. He was not talking about the law that he had set out, since he did not set out 'laws' per-se, but a way to live one's life and a way to follow God.

On another note, I have my own views about the slavery argument. I view slavery as a societal issue, not a spiritual one. In all societies there are rich and poor, servants and masters, so that we can fill all of the various roles of the people. If all people needed to be elite, then it would be hard to find people to pump gas and bag groceries. One can be a slave and still have their life committed to God. So, I don't see the passages in the bible about slavery as supporting slavery, but simply as speaking about slaves since they did exist in that society. Another way to look at it is this: If you abolished slavery, would you contradict the bible's teachings? The answer is "no". If the bible tells servants to be obedient to their masters, and there are no servants to hear the message, than the point is not used, but not contradicted.

All of this said, I do accept the fact that certain societies which existed in biblical times do not now, and that certain dictates of the bible no longer apply. Again, I look to whether ignoring the passage is a contradiction to the bible, or just ignoring something which no longer applies.

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