Christian Boylove Forum

Re: Ditto!!!!

Submitted by Chris on July 09 1999 at 20:03:15
In reply to Me too :) Submitted by Triple Q on July 09 1999 at 01:00:20

Hi Triple Q,

I would love to meet your preacher friend as well. I've heard of preachers being that young but I've never actually met one. Does he find it easier to relate to the younger crowd than the older folks, or dosen't it seem to matter? I think you may have a winner of a church there, perhaps if you give it some time.

I myself do not attend a church right now. I was a member of a First Baptist Church until I had a strong emotional episode (or three or four) with the counselor there. He was sincere in his beliefs but wrong just the same. And since I knew I could not make him happy by becoming a heterosexual, I left the church. Now I miss going to service on Sunday. I am praying that God will lead me to the "right" church......He did lead me here, though.

My friend, you DO have one great thing going for you (besides Jesus in your life), and that is a great sense of humor. Now don't laugh (little joke....), good humor is a gift from God! I don't know where it might say this in the Bible but it just HAS to be. The devil wouldn't give us anything to laugh about, would he? You cracked me up with that back woods accent..ha ha ha. I don't really like "red necks" too much so I almost died laughing. I hate all of that "devil's music" stuff too. God gave us music to enjoy, I can't see how it can be a sin. And didn't Jesus say,"Why worry about the clothes you wear..."? I don't think that is a pet peave of His or anything, either.

Well, I've used up enough space I think. Take care brother.

Your brother in Christ,

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