Christian Boylove Forum


Submitted by Jimf3 on July 22 1999 at 13:07:18
In reply to Do they really exist? Submitted by F.O.D. on July 22 1999 at 12:48:53

Hi guys,

I participate on a BL mailing list. It's mostly an intellectual sort of thing with BL activists and thinkers from around the world. Many of the participants have been thinking and writing about BL issues for 20 or more years.

The stuff is incredibly dry. As some of you may well imagine, I have a tough time wading through many of the articles - after the 15th 10 paragraph letter on the implications of post-modern philosophy to this or that minor point relating to BL I start to get a headache. ;-)

Anyway, I read a newpaper article once that described this mailing list as the communications forum for a paedo ring that was luring boys for sex and procuring and distributing illegal pornography.

It was so funny I had no choice but to burst out laughing.

How the cops and reporters involved turned academic discussion of the writings of Foucault into a pernicious pedo ring, I'll never know. I can imagine, though, that sort of misrepresentation is at least somewhat common.


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