Christian Boylove Forum

I need your suggestions

Submitted by Ben on July 29 1999 at 19:43:07
In reply to Bible verses on adult-child sex - I need your suggestions Submitted by Encouraged on July 29 1999 at 18:18:55

Encouraged -
Thanks for posting your thoughts. I really appreciate them.

I happen to agree with everything that you say above. I would make one suggestion however that you try to phrase your views as your views, not as absolutes that everyone must accept. To state "But some things really need no discussion" might be viewed by some as an arrogant statement and it certainly impedes further discussion (which this forum is all about).

As I say, I happen to be a fundamentalist Christian myself, so I agree with your statements above for the most part. I think that nobody will ever know if Jonathan or David had a sexual relationship. It is simply not stated in Samuel. Therefore, we have no right to conclude from the passages that they did or didn't, or that the chapter supports or challenges homosexual relationships. What we do learn is how deep brotherly love can be. I personally like the part where David gives Jonathan his tunic. While some claim that this means that they got naked together, to me it confirms that brothers need not be shy around each other, something that I have always believed was true anyway.

I look forward to hearing more from you.

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