Christian Boylove Forum

Re: The centurion and his servant

Submitted by Heather on July 31 1999 at 23:53:10
In reply to The centurion and his servant Submitted by Encouraged on July 31 1999 at 22:31:53

Well, I think Mader does a pretty good job of establishing the possibility that first-century readers would have interpreted the relationship as being pederastic. I think it's one of those texts where we can never know for sure. But it does fit in awfully well with other texts in the Gospel where we see Jesus interacting sympathetically with the outcasts of society. I don't buy Mader's argument that this means Jesus approved of the relationship; I think Bob's interpretation of the passage is more likely.

The important thing to me, regardless of whether the passage actually refers to a pederast, is that it is one of many examples of Jesus reaching out to those who were considered to be untouchables, from the traditional religious viewpoint.

Bob doesn't take part in CBF (this was a reprint from another board, many months ago), but I'll be sure to let him know your thoughts when I write to him next.

Welcome again! The board's a little slow at the moment, because most people seem to be on vacation, but hopefully things will pick up.


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