Christian Boylove Forum

T. H. White

Submitted by Heather on August 11 1999 at 01:20:04
In reply to Re: Ten years ago . . . Submitted by stephen on August 10 1999 at 23:19:58

White was the author of the Arthurian series The Once and Future King – you may have heard of the first book in the series, The Sword in the Stone, which was made into a Disney movie. The series was also loosely adapted as Camelot.

The biography is by Sylvia Townsend White; if you look in the index under "Zed," you'll find the appropriate references. Famous British Paedophiles (linked below) publishes half of one of White's diary entries on the boy; the second half describes White's thoughts on why he wishes he could have sex with the boy but won't.

I've been rereading The Once and Future King, and have been interested in how obvious the boylove references in the series are, if you're looking for them. For example. the first chapter of Book Three, "The Ill-Made Knight," contains this reference (Lancelot is at this time fifteen):

"Lancelot, swinging his dumb-bells fiercely and making his wordless noise, had been thinking of King Arthur with all his might. He was in love with him."

And the early part of the novel revolves around the fact that Lancelot is jealous of Guenever. Of course, none of this is specifically connected with boylove – kids have crushes on adults all the times – but it's probably the sort of detail that a boylover would be most likely to invent. And the odd thing about it is that White wrote this book years before he fell in love with Zed.


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