Christian Boylove Forum

Re: CBF and adultery of the heart

Submitted by Ben on August 11 1999 at 08:11:06
In reply to CBF and adultery of the heart Submitted by Heather on August 11 1999 at 01:43:06

Matthew 5:28

But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

This is probably the passage in the bible that I have struggled with the most and the only passage in the bible that seems to address 'lust of the heart' (as coined by Jimmy Carter).

First of all, Jesus did not cricize anyone for being attracted to someone else. Attraction is natural and is an expected temptation. We are supposed to be tempted, it is how we respond to that temptation that Jesus addresses. My own issues surrounding this verse are this:

a) Should I presume that, for me, looking at a 'boy' lustfully is also addressed by this. At first glace, the answer was "yes". However, I am not 100% convinced that Jesus clearly meant "whomever you are attracted to" when he referred to looking at a "woman" lustfully.

b) The second issue is to determine what defines "looking lustfully". A first glance is what causes the temptation. A second glace certainly can become lustful, but the question then becomes whether you can continue to look and enjoy a boy's beauty, without degrading your look to thoughts of doing something sexual with him. The next question becomes whether you can dream about him and fantasize about him. Can I masterbate to the thought of a cute boy as long as I don't start thinking about doing something sexual with him? At that point, does it become idolatry?

These are some of the issues that I have confronted dealing with this part of the bible.

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