Christian Boylove Forum

Love is....

Submitted by Triple Q on August 11 1999 at 19:35:01
In reply to LOVE IS FOR EVERYBODY BUT SEX IS AN ADULT BUSINESS Submitted by ANTHONY CANE on August 08 1999 at 18:39:40

Love is a river.
If you swim against the flow, it will wear you down and eventually you will drown under its waves. But, if you go with the flow, you will find yourself comfortably bouyant upon its restful waves.

Love is the air.
If you breath too much, you hyperventilate. If you stop taking it in, you suffocate. But, if you just let it happen, you will be fine.

But love is not sex.
Sex is the natural outcome of love, but it is not love.

And love is not something that we can pick and choose as we will. It is something that steals stealthily upon our hearts in the middle of the night and takes us into its embrace with nary a word or sound. It embraces us body and soul, mind and heart and laughs as we try not to act the fool that it makes us out to be.

No, love is not sex.
But then again, neither is sex the ultimate outcome of love.

[Judge us by who we are, not by what you read or judge us not at all.]

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