Christian Boylove Forum


Submitted by Derrick on August 19 1999 at 17:05:41

Over the past few weeks I've had some time to think. And I figured it has got to be a couple things. 1 Dusty was put here to serve a purpose, and 2 he must have finished his service, and God called him home. I hope I figured this right, I have decided to turn a little bit more towards the Bible and what it has to say. I went to church this saturday, something I haven't done in a while, and I was listening to the sermon it was on death, while I cried I relized 2 more thing's, 1 Dusty is in a far better place than we are, and 2 I will join him someday. He is busy now serving the Lord one on one. and for all I know he's up there teachin him how to backtroll (fishing technique)... :) I relize now over the past couple day's that he is gone from this world, but his spirit lives on, by the many letters and post's on his and other web sites. I will try to carry on withhis goal, there is a radio station that does a thing called country cares for kids. it is a non profit deal to raise money for the childrens trust fund. Dusty opened his heart and "spilled his guts" as he says. on there forum a year ago, and they raised over 10,000 dollars to be used to help stop abuse. I hope to go there and help them this year with my brother's Tommy, and Kyle, and help them raise even more. I am doing this for Dusty, and the millions of other kids who are in simaliar situations.

Dusty was a firm believer in true boy love, and he even believed that there was true girl love to, something people cannot share becuase of to many wrong thoughts because of the real problem thats in this world. I don't know the fact's but I think 99.9 percent of abuse is in the home, and not by a "stranger" . heck who knows, maybe I'm all wet behind the ears.

Anyway, if you have a local or state funded program, like the childrens trust fund, or even something like the program in Canada, they can use help. please feel free to donate in Dusty's name. I'm not asking for anything. and neither is Dusty, let's just stop the pain of a few more kids.

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