Christian Boylove Forum

Re: Thinking About the Bible (Re: Man and God)

Submitted by Gerald from New Zealand on August 19 1999 at 17:21:23
In reply to Thinking About the Bible (Re: Man and God) Submitted by the happy prince on August 19 1999 at 02:34:57

Dear Happy Prince and other readers,

That was a good bit of writting. I too had on my spiritual path to give a second place to the Bible and take some of what was said with a pound of salt. You will ask me now what was it then that I put in the first place.

This is my own personal experience of God and myself. I am old and wise enough to make my own decisions about "good or bad". I had to learn to trust this rather to hang on to a book, eventhough the book has given me lots of wisdom. As I developed along the spiritual path, I started to recognise what Jesus said, as I was having similar experiences.

For me the old testament is a wonderful history book for the jews, no more. Definately not a guidance to my morality. I could go within to find the answers to that.

With Love, Gerald from New Zealand

PS. To place the bible above the personal experience of God is in my opinion nothing less than idolatory.

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