Christian Boylove Forum

On urges: eliminating, suppressing,

Submitted by and other controls - d on August 24 1999 at 11:51:13
In reply to Is there a cure Submitted by Ewok on August 24 1999 at 00:20:33

Read the other posts first - they are good.

Like Heather, I can't speak to the BL urges firsthand, but I'll generalize.

Any urge which can lead to sin, whether it be lust for sex, lust for food, the urge to punch someone else for little or no reason, or whatever, needs to be dealt with.

Eliminating the urge is possible for some, but not all.
Suppressing urges works for a time, but can explode later, or can eat away at you from the inside.
Learning to live with your urges and finding other, healthier outlets may be a solution.
Frequently, a mix of all of the above is more useful than any one.

I know of a person who who, through "ex-gay" therapy, has dampened his urge for men, become bisexual, and fallen in love with and married a woman. He still has the urges for men, especially when he sees a "hunk" topless. He lives with his urges by averting his eyes and thinking of his family, who he loves dearly.

The solution for you may differ. Hopefully, if you have a calling to help boys (which seems to be pretty universal among boylovers), it your solution won't require "averting your eyes", that would be a great loss to humanity.

-David ("d", not a boylover but one who loves boys, and girls too)

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