Christian Boylove Forum

Re: The direct answer

Submitted by Some guy in the NW (aka Jesus lover) on August 27 1999 at 02:53:18
In reply to The direct answer Submitted by Heather on August 21 1999 at 13:46:47

Please forgive the fact that I don't have much time...

I read the top of this responce and thought I would quote it "Like Bach, I wish I knew how Jesus Lover was defining "demon-possessed." The trouble is, in one of his posts he refers to himself and everyone else having demons, so I assume that he's saying the same thing he did in the previous threads: that everyone has sinfulness/the impulse toward evil within them. I really can't disagree with that sentiment; I just feel that the language he uses is inflammatory."

Yeah I recognize that I have a problem with the way that I talk in normal life and in the typed word. Please pray that God will soften my heart.

I guess what I was trying to say is that satan has strongholds in all of our lives. It doesn't mean we are demon possessed, it just means that Satan has a grasp in an area of out life.

Good Night


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