Christian Boylove Forum

Re: That's not what you said.

Submitted by SGitNW (aka Jesus lover) on August 27 1999 at 17:04:58
In reply to That's not what you said. Submitted by Jimf3 on August 27 1999 at 09:58:08

You see Jim I tend to be rather sarcastic. When i am using sarcasim i realize others don't see that I am actually being sarcastic. I guess I use alot of what some people call "figuritively speaking" instances, which I use to elict a responce.
I have asked people questions that I felt they would answer in a situation where I wasn't really concerned with the topic of the question I was more concerned with the more underlying behaviors beind the question. Does that make sense?

In the case of demons being counseled versus casted out, I guess what makes more sense is that when Satan or a demon has a strong hold in your life then they are contaminating your behavior and who you are and how you are reacting with them. Now in the case of a person having a stronghold, which isn't posession its that a demon has a hold in a certain area of your life. Does this make any sense? See possession is when a demon is taking full control over your life, and there are differenct type of posession.
If you want we can discuss them.



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