Christian Boylove Forum

Re: Is there a cure

Submitted by JAM on August 28 1999 at 22:48:38
In reply to Is there a cure Submitted by Ewok on August 24 1999 at 00:20:33

I would like to share a few words that were given to me and that has changed my life completely. I do want to first point out that I am not here to judge any man or woman, but to share what I know will help someone.

We know that God does not have a problem with sex because He was the one who thought of it in the first place. However, we do know from verious Bible scripture what God's requirement are concerning sex. The problem is our ability to fulfill God's requirement concerning sex cannot be done. In our own ability, we cannot accomplish what God wants us to do concerning the sex issue. This frustration leads to guilt, doubt, fear, unbelief and anger.

Recently through a true preacher of the gospel, I found the answer to this and all other problems that are plaguing people who love God and desire to do things God's way. If you are a Christian you know that Christ died for the sin of all mankind. Because of what Jesus did at Calvary, you have peace with God through Jesus (john 3:16).

However, knowing this is not good enough. You will notice that even though you believe on The Lord Jesus Christ, you still have a problem with the old sin nature. I will now briefly describe how you can have victory over every sin problem in your life. Moreover, I will give you the answer to complete victory over every problem in your life...period.

First, you must choose to serve God. If you have done this, all you have to do now is tap into the help that has been provided to all believers. If you are not a Christian, you automatically default into serving satan, which means that no matter what you think, your outcome will be the same that you have probably heard all your life. Eternal separation from God.

You Christians who are having trouble getting the victory over all areas that concern you, here is the answer. You must first realize that whatever Christ is you have become, according to Romans 6, 7, and 8. When Christ died on the cross He died for you. As far as God is concern, it was as if you were on the cross being crucified for your sin. Christ did not sin but died in our place.

The Bible says that we were baptized in Christ death. But because he is risen, we were raised with Him. This means we are alive with Christ but dead to sin. That is why The Bible says that there is now no condemnation in those who are in Christ. Once you identify yourself to be dead to sin and alive in Christ, sin will no longer have dominion over you because you are considered dead. A dead person cannot sin because a dead person is not alive.

Does this mean that we can continue sinning? No! God forbid. The Holy Spirit will comfort and help every person who identifies him or herself as being in Christ. Before Jesus left the earth, He said He will send The Holy Spirit to help all who put their faith in the finished work of the cross. You can find all the things The Holy Spirit will start causing to happen to you in Deuteronomy 28. The ministering spirits (Angeles) will also be commanded to help met your needs.

You will begin to notice that things you hate doing will start loosing power over you. The Holy Spirit will begin driving out the demons that have been persecuting you. I can only describe it as leaves dropping off a tree during the fall season. You will also notice growth as if new leaves being birthed on a tree during the spring season.

Keep in mind that there will be a few dead leaves that will try to hang on but will eventually fall off. These blessing will continue to follow you all the days of your life as long as you consider yourself dead to sin but alive in Christ. God did this for everyone who puts their faith in what Jesus did. Christ is the only person who God is well pleased with. Christ is the only sacrifice that God will accept.

Now, if you start trying to help Christ by offering up another sacrifice to God such as good works. God will not accept it and The Holy Spirit will stop helping you. The Holy Spirit will only finish the work that Christ started in the earth. If you do not believe what Christ did at the cross was good enough, you will die in the wilderness. If you do not enter into the rest or the finished work of the cross you are on your own. Please believe me, you are no match for satan.

The finish work of the cross is the answer. Victory will be guaranteed. Start trusting in the cross today!

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