Christian Boylove Forum

An intro

Submitted by LostBoy on September 02 1999 at 03:10:24

I have left this gift (My Own Prison) for you who responded to my writing. This is a piece of me--the real me--exposed without a mask--the mask that hides me from the rest of the world. I hope you enjoy it and find some meaning in it. I rarely speak like this, so most likely you will only see me through future writings as seen before. And finally to Lost Boy--Im sorry if our names are so close to the same--I have been using this name for only about a year--it has somehow become a part of me--note though that my name does not have the space in it as yours does. It is one word. Sorry if I have offened you--it was not intended. To all others:

"What is impossible with man, is possible with God."

And to all those trying to win the struggle within:
"When man works, man just works; but when man prays, God works."

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