Christian Boylove Forum

Re: Bible versus the real experience

Submitted by Ben on September 02 1999 at 20:18:11
In reply to Re: Bible versus the real experience Submitted by Gerald from New Zealand on August 29 1999 at 03:56:50

Gerald -
I believe that I know God as well as a man who has been doing it for such a long time can. You are comparing me to a typical Christian, who just simply attends church and claims to believe. You are right that KNOWING God is far more important than just believing. But to KNOW God you first must beleive in him and if you believe in him, then you cannot argue that he is as YOU want him to be. If you believe, then you believe that HE did the creating, not you.

I don't believe that you are the devil incarnate at all. There is no biblical basis for such a comment. It is just the banter of a bunch of church ladies. I do believe that you are lost though and that your life is not quite as happy as you claim it is. How happy are you on a day that you cannot surf the net? Or masterbate? I'm not trying to bait you because I AM a BL and I believed for years what you believe. I was converted in 1999. I have begun to deny myself the physical things that continually filled me up and realized that I was a sinking ship, constantly needing more gratification. I was never truly happy. Only drugged with sexual satisfaction.

God has blessed my life as I have turned my life over to him. If you could see how I am living my life now, you would be envious. I have more boys in my life than I ever did before, but instead of them being transient sex objects, they are boys who say I love you, and kiss me goodnight. Hugs are far better than pictures.

You are not alone.


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