Christian Boylove Forum

A few more thoughts. . .

Submitted by Dirk Gently on September 03 1999 at 09:28:55
In reply to I think that makes sense. Submitted by F.O.D. on September 02 1999 at 16:17:13

Hey, FOD.

Not to worry about wasting my work-time. For some reason, I can't successfully post messages from home, so I type 'em out here and then post them quickly from work. This is actually a good thing, since it gives me a chance to re-read what I've written with the perspective that a few hours may bring. E-communication makes it very easy for me to stick my foot in my electronic mouth otherwise.

This is probably nothing new for you, but here's where I'm at on that
evolution thing. There's evidence of "micro-evolution" -- dog breeders have been practicing it for thousands of years. However, atheistic evolution of the "sludge-to-cerebellum" type is NOT scientific fact. It is an hypothesis with an incredible lack of objective support. The fossil evidence which we've discovered so far simply has too many "missing links" to make a chain of proof. I forget where he discussed it, but St. Clive (a.k.a. C.S. Lewis, the patron saint of pipe-smoking, beer-swilling evangelicals) believed in some sort of theistic evolution, which sounds good to me. Does that shed some light on the Adam / evolution question?

On the subject of organ transplants: our skin is the largest organ in our
body, and it is continually being replenished. Cells fall off, other cells are formed. But it sounds like you're not freakin' about that one anymore. :}

St. Augustine was really only trying to be consistent. Unfortunately, the man was brilliant, and he was working with a poor translation of the Bible. I'd say that he's one of the big three theologians in Western Christianity, along with St. Paul and Thomas Aquinas. (Martin Luther was an Augustinian monk before he was excommunicated, and Calvin is highly Augustinian in his piety (which is a good thing!) and in his view of sin and predestination (which is more problematic).) Several modern Protestant theologians have started to take a more critical look at his theological legacy, but that doesn't detract from the fact that he was forcibly ordained bishop only five years after his conversion to Christianity. He had *something* going on with him!


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