Christian Boylove Forum

Sad news

Submitted by Bonzo on September 03 1999 at 23:09:31

Hi all --

When tpka Bill first posted on BoyChat at the beginning of August, he included the URL of his home page, which provided much personal information about him. I emailed him and cautioned him him about this, and he replied to me as follows:

Dear Person,

I felt safe disclosing my ID because I am a celibate of more than 15 years.
I have no interest in making sexual contacts on the Internet. I'm just an
old man who is grateful that some parents are willing to share their family
life with others. I do not want to make contact directly with children. I
would prefer that their parents contact me if they feel compassion for a
poor old guy who doesn't have a family. Hopefully, I might even fill a

However, you are very right. There are evil people just looking for an
opportunity to hurt someone -- anyone they can. While I never do anything
that could be interpreted as a crime, people could harass me and make my
life difficult.

If you viewed my website, you know that my primary interest is in the kindly
care of animals. I also have a sister site at geocities describing my
activities aiding older people and people with handicaps. My resume is
posted there. You could find it by clicking on the barking dog on the
Community Bulletin Board page of my main website.

I am just a lover of people -- not just little boys. I love people who are
young, old, physically handicapped, mentally handicapped, socially isolated,
or just lonely. My whole life is dedicated to others. Raised in foster
care here in Los Angeles, I know the value of just having someone who cares
and will spend time.

Nobody could conclude a case against me; I have proven myself pure and
clean. But they could post lies and do harm to me if they were of evil
inclination. I will be more careful in the future. Thank you for your
wise advise.

He sounded like a really nice person. His web site (link below) now announces his death.

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.

-- Bonzo

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