Christian Boylove Forum

Re: I am Confused, Lonely, Need strong Guidence.

Submitted by Ben on September 05 1999 at 08:17:44
In reply to I am Confused, Lonely, Need strong Guidence. Submitted by BoyLuv4Christ on September 04 1999 at 08:05:57

BoyLuv4Christ -
Welcome to cblf. I can't possibly repeat what the guys before me already said, but their replies reminded me of how awesome this board is. You WILL find the support that you need....God has led you here and will continue to give you everything that you need.

Something that continues to help me deal with sin and temptation as a BL who is involved in the church as well, is the thankfulness I feel for what God has done for me (and for you). God has given us an ability and a desire to guide and mentor boys, and has put boys (like the one that you mentioned) in our lives who are so special to us. Everytime I feel a bit too lustful about a boy in my life, I go back to this special gift that God has entrusted me with, and decide whether I will take advantage of it. Just enjoy and love the boys in your life, and believe that you will be satisfied without needing it to go further (this includes masterbation.....don't fall into IS a trap, IMO).

And of course you also should feel grateful that, by the blood of Jesus, you are forgiven. Imagine what it would be like to send that boy that YOU know to die on a cross for someone else. How much love would it take for you to give that boy up. That is how much God loves YOU.

You are not alone.


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