Christian Boylove Forum

Or more relevant to BL...

Submitted by d on September 07 1999 at 11:27:55
In reply to but what about... Submitted by Dgennero on September 07 1999 at 06:28:39

What about the Christian boylover who cannot avoid temptation without avoiding boys, winds up in jail, prays for deliverance from what, to him, is a curse, and does not get deliverance? And if this boylover then feels abandoned by God and loses his faith, then what?

What do I, as a Christian, say to him?

I've oversimplified the situation, but the above paragraphs roughly describes someone in online boylove community (I heard a more complete version earlier this year, but it wasn't posted publicly). This person lost his faith many years ago, and has been out of jail for some time.

Sharing the gospel with those who feel they have been abandoned or cursed by the church is hard enough, sharing it with those who have read it and who feel abandoned by God is even tougher.

-David ("d")

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