Christian Boylove Forum

Re: Adultery??? (THANKS BEN)

Submitted by Ben on September 19 1999 at 00:00:05
In reply to Re: Adultery??? (THANKS BEN) Submitted by John Guard on September 15 1999 at 11:20:43

...if GOD is willing to forgive the adulterer..then why cannot he forgive the pedophile (or even the gay person).

John -
If the bible is accurate (and I hold to the belief that it is) then adulterers and those who are committing homosexual acts are NOT any more forgiven than child molesters (notice that I do not use the word pedophile because I do not believe that the orientation alone is a sin). We have to be careful to distinguish between societal acceptance and Godly acceptance. As pedophiles we are so used to being hated and unaccepted by society, that we often look to others for affirmation. But in fact this should not be the important thing. God alone will judge us, and there is absolutely no reason to believe that what certain churches say "doesn't could" does not count in God's eyes. Those people are living a dangerous lie, as does anyone who believes that sins are not sins because they are too difficult to overcome. Sins are sins, but those who believe in Jesus, are forgiven of theirs sins. As we are baptized, we die to our old selves and are reborn with the Holy Spirit, living our lives for God, trying to be sinless yet falling short because we lack the perfection that only Jesus had.

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