Christian Boylove Forum

Re: What is a Christian in your opinion ?

Submitted by (Ben - read) - d on September 28 1999 at 13:16:57
In reply to What is a Christian in your opinion ? Submitted by GOL on September 28 1999 at 03:14:55

Of course, only God knows the exact answer.

However, I beleive my 1st-order approximation is very likely to be close t the mark.

I'm pretty much in agreement with the American evangelical movement (or at least the Southern Babtists) on the "who is a Christian" issue:

Do you, John/Jane Doe, recognize that you have sinned against God and/or inherited sin from Adam [I no of nobody who hasn't sinned, but I'm not going to make an issue of original vs. non-original sin], and that because of that sin, you are separated from God ("the wages of sin is death")? Furthermore, do you recognize that Jesus Christ is the son of God, wholly God and wholly Man, and that he came to die (and be ressurrected) so that YOUR relationship with God can be restored?
Having recognized that your salvation lies with Jesus, do you accept this salvation and accept Jesus as Lord of your life, having bought your life with his own?

NOTE: I have room for a categorical blanket exception for Jews and for people who die never having had the knowledge or mental capacity to make this declaration - I have no idea what God's plans for His Chose People and people who never had the opportunity to choose are.

The Southern Babtists (in the USA) phrase it much more succinctly than I do. They even have a little 4-question tract. I don't have it handy, maybe someone here does.

Ironicly, I disagree with a lot of the "peripherial issues" of most Southern Babtist churches. They tend to love "high-profile" sinners with a mallet instead of a hug. Knowing where Stary's gay friend lives (and is in a coma) I suspect her town is rooted in Southern Babtist tradition. But on this "fundamental" issue, I find myself agreeing with the "fundies" (hence, technically, I'm a fundamentalist).

I'm going to put you on the spot.
Could you answer GOL's question both as you see things now and as you saw things before you met the twins' father? I'm interested in the change, if any, in your definition of what a Christian is over that time.

-David ("d")

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