Christian Boylove Forum

The behavior/inclination distinction

Submitted by Heather on October 08 1999 at 02:11:57
In reply to I've seen numerous occasions... Submitted by d on October 07 1999 at 22:13:47

"I've seen numerous occasions where the behavior/inclination distinction was made with respect to homosexuals."

This is why many conservative Christians tend to have a better understanding of this subject than many liberal Christians. Liberal Christians often fall into the trap of saying, "If a gay person feels attraction toward someone, it would be cruel and unusual punishment – and perhaps impossible – for him to suppress his desires through celibacy." Guess where that argument lands you once you apply it to pedophilia?

I would say that the single greatest factor affecting the religious dialogue on pedophilia is the contention by many scientists that pedophiles are virtually incapable of controlling their sexual desires. Since most faith communities aren't in a position to do their own research on this matter, they accept the scientific community's assessment of the situation. The faith communities that are likeliest to have the most optimistic view on this matter are those who work closely with Christians in sexual recovery – with homosexuals, for example – and who know from experience that sexual inclination and sexual activity do not go hand in hand.

Even those faith communities, though, often are working with people who are struggling with sexual addiction, and they sometimes project those experiences onto everyone else – they assume that everyone in the group is likely to act on their desires if they're placed in close proximity with the object of their desires. Hence the tendency of all faith communities to say that, while it may be possible for a pedophile to remain celibate, this cannot happen unless he is isolated from children.


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