Christian Boylove Forum

Re: More Good News!

Submitted by BLues on October 17 1999 at 02:48:38
In reply to Re: Some things to be happy about... Submitted by Chris on October 16 1999 at 18:53:10

Im really happy that we agree in laughing at these little quirks us Boylovers have! I was driving today and I thought up another one...

We have no trouble at all abiding by the "Watch Children" road signs! :o)

I sorta chuckle every time I pass by one of those. Maybe it is best that we dont even think about the negatives. Until it comes time to hold back the beast if you know what I mean! My opinions sorta change often on the subject but right now all I feel about being a boylover is absolute joy. I feel sorta blessed. Because of the attention I give and the affection I show boys, their lives are filled with happiness. Honestly, given the choice, a boy would probably rather spend time with one of us than anyone. Im sure we can all relate. And, the joy I feel when I am around a boy is probably amplified by the fact that it has to remain secret. Or, the longing to have a young friend makes it that much better when it finally happens. I think I was wrong in an earlier post. Boylove could very well be the greatest love a person could have. I want to thank everyone on this message board for making me feel better about myself. Just giving me some feedback on what has been swirling around inside for years now has really helped me sort things out. Or at least feel better about the questions. I havent been inquisitive about why I am who I am for about a week now. And it feels great. Whoops! (I just paused for about 5 mins. to try and come up with some answers! Sheesh!) Forgive me, my boyfriend has Touched By An Angel playing on the VCR right now and the show inspires me like no other. Except for Pete and Pete. Anyway, Im thankful I found this place of intelligent discussions. You know, besides the obvious boylover quirks we all have, I wonder if there are other similarites between us all? Im gonna list some qualities (only the good) I have to see if maybe I share them with others...

1. very calculating. I analyze everything!
2. Pretty artistic. I can draw pretty good but am pretty exceptional at writing. I write songs.
3. I look very, very young. Honest, I bet I could pass for 14.
4. I have a very high IQ. 156.
5. Ive always felt a pull towards theological studies.
6. I love being in the woods. Mountains especially.
7. Children, especially babies, always seem to be facsinated by me. They will stare at me and smile like they're hypmotized!
8. I find it hard to complete a list of ten.
9. I think Ive discovered the key to perpetual motion.
10. WHEW! I find it hard to even kill a bug!

Anyway, if this sounds like you, you just might be a redneck. I mean, a boylover. Hey! That would be another funny thing to do. "You just may be a boy lover if..." :o) Hope this week is glorious for everyone!


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