Christian Boylove Forum

Nah, then what of the girls?

Submitted by d on October 17 1999 at 21:50:08
In reply to dont you wish you were a bl, d??? (NT) Submitted by Scott on October 15 1999 at 18:33:52


Don't forget, non-boylovers love boys (and girls) too! Don't beleive me, ask any parent.

Earlier this month I had a boy-filled weekend, by the way: a 4 year old boy at a church outing had me and several others (mostly men) wrapped around his little finger. I may post to BC or FH (one of the boys had the same name as a FH regular) about it later, probably not this week though.

By the way, in the next month, I hope to meet a baby boy and young school-aged girl that I've never met but whom I may see on a regular basis. I don't expect any postable child-moments, but you never know.

Women have their biological clock, I've got the male equivalent and it's ticking loudly.

-David ("d")

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